
James Madison

James Madison

James Madison was born in 1751 in Orange County, Virginia. He went to college at Princeton in New Jersey. After just two years he finished there.

He was a short man (5’ 4”). His body frame was slender and frail (100 lbs.). He was a shy and quiet man. James Madison was also a giant of a leader for our country. He did many things to build this country into a strong nation.

Madison helped create laws in Virginia. Then he went to the Constitutional Convention. He was one of the younger members there. Back in Virginia, he became a leader for the state Assembly.

At the Constitutional Convention he was one of the main voices and minds of the ideas in the Constitution. Madison wrote the first draft of the Constitution. He also would debate about many parts of the new laws. Some call him the ‘father of the Constitution.’ Madison did not like it when people said this. He told them that it was the work of many heads and hands.

U.S. Constitution

Madison wrote many other things that helped our new country get started. He wrote the Bill of Rights. He wrote many of the Federalist papers. These papers were written to help people think about the new laws. He wrote the papers to get people to accept the Constitution. He was careful to write laws that would not take freedoms away from the people.

James Madison was asked to be the secretary of state for two terms when Thomas Jefferson was president. During that time they sent Lewis and Clark out to explore the west. Also at this time, France sold a large piece of land to the United States. It was called the Louisiana Purchase. Madison helped buy this land.

Dolley Madison

Madison became the fourth president. He did this in the year 1808. This was right after Jefferson’s two terms. As president, he declared war against Britain. The British were attacking U.S ships. They would take U.S. seamen for the British navy. They would capture them and take them away. The British also took the cargoes of the ships. President Madison did not want to go to war. But, he wanted to stop the attacks.

The troubles with Britain caused the war of 1812. It lasted for two and one-half years. The country was not ready for war. During this war the British forces entered Washington and set fire to the Capitol and the White House. This war took place while Madison was president.

James Madison was against something called states’ rights. He felt that the union of the country was more important. He did not like the states to have too much power.

Madison served as president for two terms. He was 65 years old when his second term was up.

James Madison was not done working yet. He became the president of the University of Virginia at age 74. He did that for 10 years.

Dolley Madison, James Madison’s wife, was likely the most important person in social circles in the Capitol for some time before, during, and after her husband’s time as president. Her social graces were famous. She was tactful, gracious, and charming. She looked and acted the part of a queen and seemed to be loved by all.


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Text Credits:

Dolley Madison-

Image Credits:

James Madison- National Archives through Wikimedia
Constitution- Snapshot of Constitution by National Archives
Dolley Madison- by Gilbert Stuart from the White House- Wikimedia Commons